Stay me with flagons,
        comfort me with apples
        for I am sick of love.

Song of Solomon


O Love, be fed with apples while you may,
And feel the sun and go in royal array,
A smiling innocent on the heavenly causeway,

Though in what listening horror for the cry
That soars in outer blackness dismally,
The dumb blind beast, the paranoiac fury:

Be warm, enjoy the season, lift your head,
Exquisite in the pulse of tainted blood,
The shivering glory not to be despised.

Take your delight in momentariness,
Walk between dark and dark - a shining space
With the grave's narrowness, though not its peace.

Robert Graves, 'Sick Love'

Bohumil Stepan: Illustration for  Zelena Kobyla (The Green Mare) by Marcel Aymé, Prague, 1966. Via 50 Watts.