'as if a swan sang'

Hao Boyi, "Love for the rinsing," 1991. Woodblock print. Via le jardin robo


John Scholl, "Snowflake" on stand.⁠ Germania, Pennsylvania, circa 1907-1916. Via David Schorsch.


Photo of the swan-bedecked ceiling in the Palacio Nacional de Sintra's Swan Hall by Katie Armour.


John Hollander's "Swan and Shadow" shape poem, 1969. Via Anabela.


Hans Christian Anderson paper cut-out of Pierrots balancing on swans, 1820-1875. The Met.



Anna Stokes, "White Wall-Mounted Swan," in the collection of CoCA/York Gallery.


Swans covering Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart."

 ... Come, then, and let us walk 
Since we have reached the park.
It is our garden, 
All black and blossomless this winter night, 
But we bring April with us, you and I; 
We set the whole world on the trail of spring. ...

Look at the lake — 
Do you remember how we watched the swans 
That night in late October while they slept? 
Swans must have stately dreams, I think.

Sara Teasdale, from "A November Night."