This is my favorite book about the Cleve. It was published in 1977 by Dave Cockley, and it details the adventures of one Benjamin Bear as he searches the city for his lost owner.
Benjamin arrives in Cleveland the usual way:In addition to hitching a ride with a mounted cop, visiting other bears at the zoo and getting medical attention at the Cleveland Clinic, he checks out one of my local favorites:
He also manages to score the game-winning kick in a Browns game (oh Benjamin, where are you now?)
In recognition of this achievement, he gets to meet the boy mayor (you may know him as the once-and-future presidential candidate):
After these triumphs, he spends some time thinking deep and strange thoughts in front of the statue of Moses Cleaveland:
One Cleveland is enough for me too, bear.
His button reads: Cleveland - The Best Things in Life Are Here.
I could never hope to match the awesomeness of this book (there's a copy for sale here), but I am guest-blogging with some of my personal picks for travelers headed to the C-town over at Truant this week.
cleveland is a warm, fuzzy place
dave cockley,
the cleve