various suns / midwinter day

Donald Baxter MacMillan, "The last row of suns," 1913-1917. Taken on the Crocker Expedition.


Erich Fried, "Toys," translated by George Rapp. Via Drifting Lament.



Rylands Medieval Collection, Latin MS 53, f. 58v. Christianus Prolianus and Joachinus de Gigantibus (?), Astronomia, 1478: "Comparative view of the magnitudes of the Sun (a large disc of burnished gold), the Moon (silver), Mars (gold), Venus (gold), Mercury (gold) and Earth (pale)." Found at Demonagerie, via A London Salmagundi.


Jan Luyken, "Vrouw houdt bij het kijken naar de zon haar hand voor de ogen (The woman holds her hands ovr her eyes while looking at the sun)," 1687. The Rijksmuseum.


Bernadette Mayer, from Midwinter's Day, 1978.