imaginary outfit: ACE book sale

Tomorrow, I am making a westward pilgrimage to the ACE book sale at Case Western Reserve University. Shelf space has been cleared, and I have started mentally reviewing all the books I've been wanting to add to my collection so that I am ready to spot them. Tracking them in a notebook is futile; there are just too many, and in the heat of book-browsing, lists go out the window and serendipity rules.

I usually follow a two-visit strategy: a Saturday sweep through to look for pristine copies of coveted titles and unexpected gems, and a more relaxed visit on Monday, when prices are reduced and I can pick up stacks of single-read paperbacks on the cheap. At a good sale, I come away with a year's worth of fresh-to-me books. It's glorious. And afterwards, there is usually a veggie burger and milkshake to look forward to.

Happy weekend.